Geothermal HVAC systems are the most eco-friendly heating and cooling options on the market today. Rather than using electricity or fossil fuels to generate heat, they pump air through piping buried in the earth, relying upon the natural steady temperature of the earth to heat and cool your home.

Can Your Property Support a Geothermal System?

If you’re thinking about a geothermal system for your home, consult with our experts.  We will professionally assess your property and help you determine whether geothermal is the right heating and cooling system for you.  We will look specifically at your lot size and soil type and consult with you about the feasibility of this system for your home.

Geothermal systems require in-ground piping, so it is vital to assess your lot size and soil type prior to any geothermal installation.

Drilling Installation Methods for Geothermal HVAC Systems

  • Horizontal: The well extends horizontally from the house. We recommend this type of drilling on larger pieces of land that allow for 150 feet or more for the length of the well.
  • Vertical: We recommend this drilling method for smaller parcels of land or in suburban settings.
  • Open Loop (Pump-n-Dump): If you have a pond or lake on your property, it may be the best choice for a well source.

Call for Your Ames Geothermal HVAC Assessment 

The highly-trained staff at Cyclone Contracting assess all of the above factors when advising or offering a quote on any geothermal installation, so you can make a well-informed decision on whether geothermal HVAC is the best solution for your heating and cooling needs. Give us a call or fill out a form online to get started.